Custom Earphones
from In Ear Systems,
Custom Earphones set at a suggested retail price of about a third
of the cost of our competitors. Plus, you won’t get that
“sick” feeling no Doctor can fix when you slam the
door on a pair, Fidelity Custom Earphones feature fully replaceable
Custom Earphones are a custom fit product. You will need to have
impressions made of your ears. If you are outside the Nashville,
TN area, we will be happy to help you find an audiologist to make
your impressions. If you are in the Nashville area, you can visit
our office to have your impressions made.
Fidelity Duals
+TN Tax and Shipping |
Fidelity Triples
+TN Tax and Shipping |
• Fully replaceable cables
• Custom fit, molded to fit your particular ears
• Phase coherent |
Multiple-drivers (Duals and Triples)
• Safer than traditional ear-buds
• One-third the cost of competitors |